Explore strategies to complement your running routine by incorporating strength training. Learn how strength training and pilates prevent injuries and enhance the experience of running.
strength training
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Hear from Caleb, a Lex Running Shop team member, who began his running journey roughly around the time he started working at LRS. Who knew there were so many similarities between running and sports car racing?
New runner
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I enjoy thinking about different running mantras. Most runners have at least one go-to mantra, whether they’re aware of it or not. As someone who enjoys running and training for marathons, what happens in my head matters almost as much as my physical training. It’s true for all types of distances, but I’ve found that […]
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Every shoe is different. Shop online or come visit us in store to help you get fitted for the best shoe to help you stay supported and active.
We partner with Got Sneakers, an organization that collects used sneakers and donates them to local businesses, known as “microenterprises” for resale in the US and in other parts of the world, where there is a limited supply of shoes.
OuR story
Jess and Colin met in college and found that running was a shaping influence in both of their lives. Such a shaping influence in fact that Colin would later propose to Jess on an afternoon run together.
Little did they know they would someday open a local running shop in their small town to pursue this passion in this place.
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For every $250 you spend at LRS, receive a $25 of store credit - use your store credit anytime, on anything. Points never expire, and we track them for you. We know you can make your purchases anywhere, and we are grateful that you shop with us. Our Loyalty Program is our thank you to you!
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